The Learning Center

TLC serves students in 1st-8th grade, with a diagnosed language-based learning difference. The curriculum follows the Orton-Gillingham (OG) approach to reading, spelling, and writing, based on training through the Institute for Multi-Sensory Education (IMSE). OG is a highly structured approach using explicit, direct, sequential, systematic, multi-sensory instruction. We understand that the Science of Reading research supports our structured literacy method for teaching students with language-based learning differences, and instills in them the drive to succeed.
Students receive instruction in a small group setting, 4:1 in grades 1st-4th and 5:1 in grades 5th-8th, specifically designed to meet their individual needs. Our teachers work with students on all core curriculum and the students join their homerooms for specials, STEM, guidance, mass once per week, lunch, recess, Buddies, field trips, and special projects. This blending of the intervention setting with the typical school setting gives TLC students the best of both worlds.

Students with language-based learning differences have difficulty learning in spite of having average to above average cognitive abilities and talents. The Learning Center helps elementary and middle school students overcome their weaknesses and harness their strengths, allowing them to reach their full potential in school and in life. The Learning Center at Holy Rosary School gives children with learning disabilities an ideal educational environment that will empower them to become confident and academically successful students.
Goals & Objectives
- Close gap between academic performance and student potential
- Provide individualized multi-sensory instruction for developing new pathways for learning to read, write and spell
- Provide students with skills and strategies to succeed
- Enables students to experience success and to accept and value themselves in safe, supportive environments by educating the mind, the heart, the body and the human spirit.
- Teach students the strategies to become independent, responsible learners
- Provide support and education for the families of our students
- Integrate students into the overall fabric of the school community
Interested in Applying? Click Here!
Link to International Dyslexia Association-Tennessee
For more information about The Learning Center, please call 901-259-3263, and ask for Kim Schadrack.
Quotes from students in
The Learning Center
"I feel more comfortable about learning and experiencing new things. I know if I need help I'll get it sooner."
~Megan, 13
"It's more fun learning in here. Y'all have more individual time. We all get more of what we need. Instead of having 10 kids raise their hands and the teacher going to everyone and you have to wait, we get what we need with more teachers. That's the way it should be"
~Charis, 11