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Grades 1-8

Admissions Policy and General Information for Grades 1-8

Complete the Online Application for each student (This includes a $25 registration fee per child).

Following the enrollment of all current students, a determination will be made if any openings are available in each grade.

From the waiting list, parents will be contacted for the grades that have available openings. The parent/guardian will be asked to provide the following information to the Admissions Office:
~ Most recent copy of report card
~ Most recent copy of test scores

 An interview is required for all new students applying for 6th grade and above.

Following a review of required paperwork (*interview completion and test scores) parents will be notified of acceptance to the school.

Scholarship applications are available in January for Holy Rosary parishioners and families who have children currently enrolled in grades K-8.

Please call Anne Gardino at (901) 259-3270 for any questions regarding your child’s application/enrollment.


Enrollment Fees

Upon acceptance, you will receive an email with instructions for enrollment at which time the following fees will be due:

$225     Non-refundable enrollment fee, for each child enrolled. (This includes the $25 application fee)

As part of the enrollment procedure the following documents are required:

Birth Certificate (may be a copy and can be uploaded during enrollment or turned into the school office)

Baptismal Certificate (may be a copy and can be uploaded during enrollment or turned into the school office)

Health Immunization Record (original from doctor’s office and can be uploaded during enrollment or turned into the school office)

Elementary School Tuition: Grades 1-5 (2024-2025 Tuition Rates)

The base tuition for all students is $8,575.00.   

For Catholic students of families registered in and supportive of Holy Rosary Parish, the tuition rate is $7,015.00.  Annual documentation from the family’s pastor must be on file before this rate applies.

For Catholic students registered in and supportive of other Catholic parishes, the tuition rate is $7,250.00.  Annual documentation from the family’s pastor must be on file before this rate applies.

Families with more than two children will receive a 10% discount off of each additional child's tuition.

Middle School Tuition: Grades 6-8 (2024-2025 tuition rates)

The base tuition for all students is $8,935.00. 

For Catholic students of families registered in and supportive of Holy Rosary Parish, the tuition rate is $7,375.00.  Annual documentation from the family’s pastor must be on file before this rate applies.

For Catholic students registered in and supportive of other Catholic parishes, the tuition rate is $7,635.00.  Annual documentation from the family’s pastor must be on file before this rate applies.

Families with more than two children will receive a 10% discount off of each additional child's tuition.